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The Art of the Samurai

Japanese martial arts are usually divided into 2 categories, koryu ("old school") arts and gendai ("modern") arts. The koryu arts were the arts studied before the Meiji restoration (1866 - 1869) where Japan opened up to the rest of the world and began adopting more westernised culture. The koryu arts, usually noted by the -jutsu ("art") suffix were designed for the battlefield and are more structured towards practical combat techniques. The Gendai arts, usually ending in -do ("way"), have been adapted to focus more on spiritual or sporting aspects.

As such there can be a large difference between different versions of the same art as each art evolved, Although they share similar roots, these arts are mostly quite different:

As a result, it's very common to see gendai arts nowadays, but there are very few koryu styles, particularly outside of Japan. At Bushijutsu, we keep the spirit of the samurai alive by training in the techniques of koryu arts to help maintain these traditions which are fast becoming lost.

Bushijutsu literally translates as "The Art of the Warrior", this style includes the study of kenjutsu (art of the sword), jojutsu (art of the short staff) and taijutsu (art of the body, empty handed self defence). Studying the arts of the samurai also incorporates strict etiquette and discipline. Each art incorporates training in basic techniques, partner practice and solo forms

Our Kaiso (founder) Sensei David Nips established our school in the spirit of the samurai, with over 25 years of martial arts experience.


The Art of the Sword

Kenjutsu was the main art studied by the samurai. As such there were literally hundreds of different schools, all with slightly different methods and techniques.

However primarily we study the curriculum from Toyama Ryu and Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, one of the oldest remaining schools of kenjutsu.

The art consists of the study of techniques using katana (long sword) and wakizashi (short sword). Students begin with bokken (wooden swords), move to Shinai and Bogu (bamboo sword and armor) for sparring, then Iaito (unsharpened metal blades) and eventually Shinken (live blades).

This comprises of five areas of study: - kihon waza (solo basic techniques), kata (solo and partnered prearranged forms), kumitachi (sparring), batto waza (drawing techniques) and tameshigiri (test cutting).


The Art of the Staff

Jojutsu was developed in the early 17th century as a way of combating the sword. The Jo is usually 128cm long so gives the user 30cm more reach then a standard katana.

There weren't many schools of jojutsu, it was sometimes taught as an additional skill in kenjutsu schools. The main and original school of jojutsu is Shinto Muso Ryu which is the curriculum we study. Jojutsu is still taught to Japanese Police today.

The art consists of the study of techniques using Jo (short staff) usually against Bokken (wooden sword) and/or Shoto (wooden short sword).

This comprises of three area's of study:- kihon waza (solo basic techniques), uchikomi (partnered basic techniques) and kata (solo and partnered prearranged forms).


The Art of the Body

Samurai studied unarmed combat as part of their training. However there weren't any schools which studied just unarmed combat, it was instead part of the kenjutsu schools broader curriculum.

These arts were known as Taijutsu or Jujutsu. Our curriculum comes from a combination of Aikido, Jujutsu and even modern Karate techniques to give a complete system of unarmed self defence.

The art consists of complete range of unarmed combat techniques including Atemi Waza (Striking techniques - kicking, punching, blocking), Kansetsu Waza (Joint manipulation techniques), Nage Waza (Throwing techniques), Dori Waza (Defense against weapons).

This comprises of four area's of study: kihon (solo basic techniques), kata (solo and partnered prearranged forms), kumite (free sparring) and tameshiwari (test breaking of boards).



Everything you need to get started

It's easy to start with Bushijutsu, we offer a FREE introductory lesson, however bookings are essential so please click on the enquiry button to reserve your free introductory lesson.

We have a once off membership fee to join so you don't need to renew it every year, just pay it once and you're a member for life. Once a member of Bushijutsu, you will receive Nafuda (wooden name tag) which you bring to each class as well as your first Makimono (scroll). You also get access to the members section of our website which contains all the information you will need for your training, advise you of any upcoming events as well as allow you to apply for gradings.

After that just pay for your classes to continue training. There are 2 options for training fees. Either a monthly fee, paid on the same date each month. This entitles you to train at any dojo in the classes your enrolled in as many times as you want in that month. Fees are discounted if you study more than one art. The other option is to just pay casually per class. Casual fees need to be paid at the class by EFTPOS.

The only other things you need is your own uniform and equipment (depending on the art), however you don;t require these straight away, as long as you have them before you apply for your first shinsa (grading).

We don't carry cash at classes so payments can be made online or by EFTPOS at the dojo.


Training FeesPrice
Casual Fee$20
Monthly Fee - 1 art $60
Monthly Fee - 2 arts $100
Monthly Fee - 3 arts $120

Membership FeesPrice
Single Lifetime Membership$20
Family Lifetime Membership$30
Children's EquipmentPrice
Kenjutsu Kit - Junior Bokken$40
Dogi (Modern karate style uniform) - Jacket, pants, belt$70

Adult's EquipmentPrice
Kenjutsu Kit - Bokken, Saya$60
Jojutsu Kit - Jo, Bokken$70
Dogi (Traditional uniform) - Keikogi (jacket & pants), Hakama (pleated pants), obi (belt)$250






Honesty & Sincerity


Duty & Loyalty

Self Control


We offer Kenjutsu and Taijutsu classes for children aged 7-12 years.

Adults and teenagers (12+ years) can choose to train in any or all of the three different arts, Kenjutsu, Jojutsu and Taijutsu.

The safety of our students and visitors is important, we ask that all visitors to the dojo (students & spectators) read our Dojo rules below before attending and abide by these at all times.

Dojo Kun - Rules



A lot of koryu (traditional) martial arts did not have a formal ranking or grading system. Black belts and modern belt ranks were introduced to gendai arts and have only been around for about 120 years. Instead students were typically granted licences or certificates after a certain amoumt of time which recognised the student had completed their mastery over the techniques learned. There was also a strong emphasis on passing on your knowledge and continuing the ryu (schools) lineage. So traditionally ranks were awarded in recognition of mastery over a set of techniques and licence granted to pass these techniques on.

In our school we have developed a system based of some of the more common licences used with their approximate time to study, although of course the samurai studied full time our ranks are not equivalent to the time spent training by the samurai. Although we do still use coloured belts for the children's class as they do not wear the tradional hakama until they move to the adult class at 12 years.

Regular testing is important for students to understand where their knowledge and skill is at and where they need to further develop, as well as helping them focus on their goals to achieve the next level. Ours students are tested in two ways, through Shinsa (gradings) to assess ones own understanding of technique and through Taikai (tournament) competition against others to simulate the combative aspect of the samurai life in a safe, controlled way.


Adult ranks across all arts use the traditional ranking system, children's ranks use the modern belt system. At the start of a new rank, students are issued a makimono (scroll), cataloging the techniques they will be learning at that level. Students then have a minimum time frame you spend studying these techniques.

Each rank is divided into 4 levels to give feedback on your progress until you are ready to apply for a full grade.

You will receive a certificate at the completion of each of these levels. The final level is a comprehensive assessment of all the techniques for that level.

Once successful you will receive the next ranks makimono. Shinsa are held regularly and you can apply provided you have completed the required study and attendance.

**Gradings require that student has their own uniform and equipment**

Adult Ranks - (Kenjutsu, Jojutsu, Taijutsu)

RankMin. TimeMin. Time
between levels
Nyumon1 year3 months
Okuiri2 years6 months
Sho Mokoroku4 years1 year
Go Mokoroku8 years2 years
Menkyo20 years5 years

Children's Ranks - (Kenjutsu, Taijutsu)
All ranks are min. 1 year with min. 3 months between tests

RankMin. Age
White Belt7 years
Yellow Belt8 years
Green Belt9 years
Blue Belt10 years
Red Belt11 years


Shiai (informal competition) are conducted regularly during classes to allow students an opportunity to test their skills against other students in both forms and for higher levels, sparring. Once a year we run a Taikai (formal competition) where students compete within their rank groups in solo forms, partnered forms and in higher levels sparring and test cutting/breaking.



If you have any questions or would like to find out more about our art, contact us below or complete the form below and we will send you more details about Bushijutsu and how to start your training. If you don't receive an email shortly after submitting your details, check your junk folder and if you haven't received anything, then please email us.

Select the classes you are interested in:

Adult Classes:
Children's Classes: